Stop Spending Hours Building Your Emails And Start Being Consistent With Your Email Marketing!


An e-comm brand can survive on paid ads alone...

…said no brand ever.

You and I know that even though you spend money to get visitors to your site, the journey doesn’t stop there.

They need to be nurtured long-term.

But sending emails consistently can fill anyone with the doubts of:

“I just don’t have the time to create new emails every week”

“My emails will NEVER look as good as my competitors”

“My email list will hate me the more I send out.”

“I know email is important, but I feel overwhelmed with it!”

“My engagement just keeps declining”

“I don’t know what to do to increase my engagement and I feel tired just thinking about it.”

“Email just doesn't work for my audience!”

“I’m stressed trying to figure out what isn’t working in my messages and how to fix it.”

Don’t feel bad about having these doubts. Seriously. It’s normal.

And at the risk of sounding horribly cliché, the cure for all this stress is really very simple.

All your negative emotions and feelings about your email marketing

stem from two things: Doubt & Overwhelm.

Offensive unpopular opinion incoming…

Many of these beliefs and expectations are completely bananas, unrealistic, wrong, and made up in fantasyland.

What if we could change our expectations and beliefs about what our business and emails should be doing? Those negative feelings would disappear…and in its place…

Ready to send emails, ROI, cash flow, and confidence.

That leads to strategic decisions and more time for yourself.

Over the years, we’ve built email designs to help businesses finally get results from their email marketing, without the design overwhelm.

(Pssst, my emails typically account for 35-40% of my client's monthly revenue!)


The benefits of our templates are far-reaching for our members. 

  • Less overwhelm when working on emails

  • No more second-guessing if your messages are optimized for conversions

  • Ability to finally be consistent in your communications to your list

  • Easy way to level up your branding in the inbox

  • Easy-to-use and customized email templates

I’ve been releasing tutorials on how to level up your email designs for years and know from feedback that email marketers still just feel stuck on what to send.

Problem is…your email list is getting colder and colder by the day.

That’s when we had the idea for a no-fuss subscription where we’d drop three easy-to-customize email templates built for e-comm brands and (with a short training) help you turn all that negative foggy feeling into emails ready to send out to your subscriber list.

So we did.

That’s why we’re SO flippin’ excited to bring you

The Email Template Subscription That Helps You Get Consistent In Your Email Marketing So You Can Make More Revenue In Your Business


  • 3 Beautifully Designed, Editable Email Templates In Both Figma & Canva Versions

  • 1 Monthly Content Calendar For The Upcoming Month To Help You Plan

  • 10 Email Swipes From Top-Performing E-Commerce Brands

  • Email Training Videos On How To Edit Templates

Nothing extra* to distract you from the very important task of CEO-ing your business.

*Except This Cool Side Benefit: As a member, you can submit a request for a particular type of email design. Maybe we’ll work it into our queue!

Monthly Plug-n-Play Templates That Work For Any E-Commerce Brand

Types Of Problems These Templates Will Solve:

Ability to plan out your next month’s of emails quickly

Consistently getting emails out in front of your subscribers

Finally having email become a main revenue channel for your business

Having a treasure trove of email templates ready to use

Get clear on what is working for your audience in email

Able to spend less time on emails, more time on scaling your business

Dates & timing for important email campaigns

No more guessing what will drive clicks in your emails

Focus on growing your business (not what next email is going out)

Knowing how many emails you need to send to reach your revenue goals

Content ideas to keep you consistent in email messaging

A clear plan the rest of your marketing can follow

Not having to outsource to an expensive expert

Having your entire months of emails scheduled out

Inspiration on how to level-up your email campaigns

Getting your moneys worth out of your email program

The Idea Inbox is perfect for anyone who:

  • Needs quick and easy ways to get emails built and sent out

  • Wishes they had their entire month of emails planned

  • Can’t afford an email marketing expert and needs to do it themselves

  • Is an e-commerce business owner looking to be consistent in email marketing

  • Is a freelancer looking to have go-to templates to use for clients

  • Needs a clear outline of what to send out and when.


Monthly Access


3 Beautifully Designed, Editable Email Templates In Both Figma & Canva Versions

1 Monthly Content Calendar For The Upcoming Month To Help You Plan

10 Email Swipes From Top-Performing E-Commerce Brands

Delivered to your inbox each month!


The Email Expert


3 Beautifully Designed, Editable Email Templates In Both Figma & Canva Versions

1 Monthly Content Calendar For The Upcoming Month To Help You Plan

10 Email Swipes From Top-Performing E-Commerce Brands

Exclusive group monthly strategy design calls with Peyton!

Delivered to your inbox each month!

About Your Email Architect & Designer


After working with over 100+ e-commerce brands, Peyton has cracked the code on knowing what converts in email design. She has built The Idea Inbox to take the stress off business owners on building beautiful emails and start making an ROI on email!

Our Inbox Bestie Guarantee :)

  • You don’t need to be a graphic design expert to use these templates

  • Get your emails edited and ready in as little as 30 Mins!

  • They will be obscenely re-usable (and customizable)

Cancel anytime, no hassle no problem - reach out to [email protected] to the nicest, most helpful customer support team in the Internet Marketing universe and beyond.


Still Not Sure? Get An Email Template For Free…On Us!

YES! Try before you buy. We think you will love it! À la the Costco sample.

Right below we’re gifting you one email template so you can see exactly what you’re getting. If you’re ready to buy, no worries. This free gifted one delivers the MINUTE you sign up too!

“Anything Peyton creates is pure magic. The Idea Inbox is perfect because I have fresh new email designs I can use for any of my e-commerce clients and the monthly planning calendar makes it so easy to outline clear plans to be consistent.” - Gabriella Rezex

Frequently Asked Questions.

What tools are these templates

built in?

You have two options to choose from, Peyton's go-to, Figma or beginner-friendly Canva. Both are easy to edit and come with complete tutorials on how to edit both! Choose whichever fit yours fancy.

Can I import these templates into Mailchimp (or Klaviyo or ActiveCampaign, or wherever!?)

Our video tutorials break down exactly how to get these templates placed into your email program! To put it simply, after you plug in your branding into these templates, you'll be able to export it as images that you slice into your email program.

Will these templates work for my niche / brand / business?

If you are anywhere in the e-commerce space, these templates are made for YOU! They center around not just product brands but are perfect for educational sends, customer review features, and more!

You could keep emailing in the dark, making half-baked campaigns that just fall flat with your email list...

Or you can take the small but mighty step into the world of email templates done 90% of the way for you! Just apply your branding edits, place it into your email program and get those messages out!

And for those of you already deep in the world of email design, these templates are based on proven email designs we KNOW work for clients in a variety of e-commerce niches.

We can’t wait to help!

xx Peyton


Standard Access


3 Beautifully Designed, Editable Email Templates In Both Figma & Canva Versions

1 Monthly Content Calendar For The Upcoming Month To Help You Plan

10 Email Swipes From Top-Performing E-Commerce Brands

Delivered to your inbox each month!


The Email Expert


3 Beautifully Designed, Editable Email Templates In Both Figma & Canva Versions

1 Monthly Content Calendar For The Upcoming Month To Help You Plan

10 Email Swipes From Top-Performing E-Commerce Brands

Exclusive group monthly strategy design calls with Peyton!

Delivered to your inbox each month!